Crayola Blue

On a melodious Thursday night,

In a somnambulating metropolis,

Carving niches in bar stools,

Making our finest Bukowski impressions,

Swilling sagacity and perversion,

I couldn’t stop looking from the moment she walked in.


War is all around us.

We’re transient organisms

So why not address this magnetism.

I’d refill your whiskey, neat with a trace of immorality.

I dig imperfection, its become something of a fetish.

I want music where there is silence.

You are a harmony playing in my thoughts.

I don’t memorize poems, and I forget

The words to some of my favorite songs,

I just get so alone, sifting through the madness

Unsure of what I am supposed to do.

It’s autumnal equinox, and in my marrow

All I want to know is everything about Crayola Blue.


~ by gablesworth on September 23, 2012.

2 Responses to “Crayola Blue”

  1. This resonates for me so achingly these days. Thanks for sharing.

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